The Fundamentals of Startup Investment: A Guide from IGF

March 7, 2024

At Impulse Generator Fund, we believe that every startup investment starts with a dream, or an idea to shake up the market. However, just having a dream in the competitive world of business is not enough. The power of funding finally puts a startup on a rising trajectory. How do new companies get their funding? Is there a secret formula for raising capital? At IGF, we’re here to help give you some insight into how it works.

What Is Startup Funding?

Startup funding refers to the capital that businesses in their infancy or early stage raise to help finance their establishment, operation, and expansion. Such financing is very important, as most startups are too poor to afford their initial capital and scale accordingly. Only in the year 2022, global startup funding from all sources exceeded $415.1 billion, which reflects its importance.

Best Practices for Raising Money for a Startup

If you’re looking to secure funding for a startup investment idea and raise capital for business growth, it’s crucial to begin on a strong foundation. Here are some essential tips and best practices from IGF:

Comprehensive Business Plan and Financing Options

Create a concise business plan that outlines your market knowledge and unique value proposition, establishing credibility. Explore various funding options such as bank loans, angel investors, venture capitalists, and crowdfunding. Choose the one that best aligns with your business goals.

Strategic Partners and Minimum Costs

Find the investors who will provide you with both money and industry expertise. Partners should not only share your vision but also offer the right contacts. This, besides automating operations, will result in the need to offshore services and negotiate good prices with suppliers to cut down on costs and stretch the funding.

Clear Repayment Plan

Clearly define the plan of repayment in order to come out as responsible financially and obtain the trust of investors for any further investment.

Types of Startup Funding

Understanding how to secure funding for your startup requires a solid grasp of how startup funding and investment operates, the various funding options available, and the processes involved. Startup funding can be obtained from a range of investors, each bringing their own objectives and expectations.

Angel Investors

Angel investors are wealthy individuals who invest their own money in a startup, usually in exchange for equity. It is quite an effective way of raising funds, but be cautious about giving up too much control.

Venture Capitalists (VCs)

A VC firm brings together different sources of capital to ultimately invest it in a startup with tremendous growth potential. They afford substantial financing and take an active part in the development of the company. For example, Sequoia Capital is among those VC firms that have invested in some major companies living today, such as Airbnb, Google, and Apple.


Crowdfunding platforms enable one to raise funds from many individual investors. The investors also invest smaller sums of money with various offers of rewards, equity sharing, or early access to the product in return.


Bootstrapping is a means of self-financing startup companies through personal savings, credit resources, or generated revenues from the business. This provides complete control by the founders over their company but might restrain its pace and scope of growth.

Other Options

Other options include bank loans, lines of credit, and financing from friends and family — each with its pros and cons.

How IGF Can Help

At IGF, we believe in empowering innovation in startups at various stages of their development. At IGF, we offer not only funding but also the strategic guidance, industry connections, and valuable insight your startup needs to grow. We are looking to be a partner to guide you through the complexities of funding and growth.


The key step in the journey of transformation of a startup from a dream to real life is securing funding. By having a tight business plan, looking out for funding sources, and strategic partners, keeping initial costs low, and knowing how to pay back your financing, you ensure that your startup is off to a running start. At IGF, we’ve got you covered at every step. Proper planning and execution can get your startup to be the next big success story in the market.

Let IGF be your partner in turning your innovative ideas into impactful realities.