Materialize your innovative idea

Impulse Generator Fund is a form of venture capital funding that provides startup companies and early stage businesses with technical expertise and strong international development support to fast-track their market entry. In other words, we are a technology catalyst, allowing startups to get off the ground by materializing their MVP and accelerating time to market. 

“We develop your startup’s seed of an idea into a tangible and scalable product with a global competitive edge.”


Partners to visionary founders

We are eager to partner up with visionary founders and self-starters who wish to create products and services that generate long-term and impactful change in the industry. By tapping into our long-term product and software development experience and expertise, we will guide and support the founders throughout the development phases up to the delivery of a tangible and ready-to-market MVP.

Our portfolio companies include leading brands in fintech, banking, statistics and big data, and gaming industries in Europe.

1. Case study and market research

Problem definition, hypothesis and verification, detecting user segment.

2. MVP definition and project planning

Outlining MVP targets, scope and strategy with a clearly defined project plan.

3. MVP development and launch

Designing solution architecture, developing, testing and refining the solution, preparing for launch.

4. Product support and scaling

Further development support and refining solutions and functions for scaling.


You get the best of us

When you work with us, you get the best of our team’s expertise in product development and user experience, software development and branding. Furthermore, we believe the best results emerge from a collaboration where all the parties sit on the same side of the table. Thus, together, we will build an equal partnership and turn your product and service into a success story.


We are partners

We give an impulse to your business, investing in its success before the gainings. Your success is a must!


We are outcome-oriented

In addition to the product and software development expertise, we provide hands-on guidance and leverage our professional networks in other areas of expertise to help your company succeed.


We deliver real results

We materialize your startup’s seed of an idea into a tangible and scalable product with a global competitive edge. We provide full visibility throughout the development process.


We work with speed and quality

We are fast and flexible while keeping the course towards the ultimate goal of building high-quality solutions to fast-track your product’s go-live!

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We deliver your innovation

We develop your startup’s seed of an idea into a tangible and scalable product with a global competitive edge.

Choose Your Pricing Plan


Monthly Package

Risk Management
Audit & Accounting


Monthly Package

Business Plan
Marketing Research
Expenses Analysis
Strategy Ideas


Monthly Package

Business Consulting
Audit & Accounting
Marketing Plan and Strategy
Law Assistance
What People Say
Thanks to Imperion team I started my new business and managed to expand my previous one. My business partner also used Imperion service for his company and was very satisfied. As for now we don't have any financial problems and profitable business.
Emma Doe
Company CEO
Marta Stewart
I loved Imperion's approach to business. I selected my personal consultant, provided him with all the necessary information and was sure my business paperwork is in safe. My consultant helps me every month when I need to pay taxes and salary to my team.
Emma Doe
Company CEO
Metricon is a great company with professional and talented experts. I worked with several of them and I can say, they know their job perfectly. Thanks to Imperion I've successfully passed fiscal audit and made some changes in my business, which is now beneficial!
Tom Ford
Company CEO
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Do you have the next trailblazing idea? Want to learn more about Impulse Generator Fund?

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Phone: +372 55 234 55
Address: Tallinn, Pärnu maantee 16