How Equity Crowdfunding is Transforming Startup Fundraising

June 14, 2024
equity crowdfunding

Starting a new business is both exhilarating and challenging. One of the most difficult questions entrepreneurs face is how to raise the capital they need to bring their ideas into real life. Traditional ways of fundraising, either through venture capital or bank loans, are bureaucratic, time-consuming, and exclude many potential investors. However, equity crowdfunding has emerged as one major panacea for fund-raising startups, offering several benefits over more traditional means. In this article, IGF covers the topic of crowdfunding changing the face of fundraising.

Understanding Equity Crowdfunding

Equity crowdfunding is a way through which startups raise capital by issuing shares of the company to a large pool of investors, usually through web-based platforms. Unlike other types of crowdfunding that reward or accept donations, crowdfunding is one where an investor gets financial securities in consideration for their investment. This democratizes investment.

Advantages of Equity Crowdfunding

  • Broader Investor Reach
    Traditional methods of fund-raising limit a startup to a few investors. With crowdfunding, it may reach a large audience — including both individual and institutional investors — improving its chances of raising finances.
  • Collective Support
    Equity crowdfunding pools small sums of money from lots of people. This contributes to financial support but also creates an ownership community that will advocate and become customers of the startup.
  • Democratized Investment
    Equity crowdfunding opens investment opportunities to everyone, regardless of wealth or network. This allows for different types of diversification at the investor base level.
  • Lower Costs
    Because crowdfunding sites automate a lot of the fundraising process, this cuts down the legal and administrative fees that normally characterize the more traditional ways of fundraising. This, therefore, frees the resources of a startup to be channeled toward growing the business.
  • Faster Process
    Equity crowdfunding offers a quicker, more efficient fundraising alternative, enabling startups to secure funds swiftly and focus on product development and scaling their business.

Addressing Traditional Fundraising Challenges

Traditional models of raising capital are normally very restrictive, costly, and sometimes extremely slow. Equity crowdfunding expands the opportunities by linking a startup to a large audience of potential backers, reduces costs, and makes the process easier, which enables a startup to raise funds fast enough to focus on the core business.

Risks of Equity Crowdfunding

  • Equity dilution
    Issuance of new shares dilutes the ownership stakes of existing investors; however, the wide share distribution prevents concentrated control by a few investors.
  • High failure risk
    In a startup business, startups are rather risky as it has an extremely high probability of failing. An investor should understand the fact that their investment may never pay off.
  • Low liquidity
    Securities purchased through crowdfunding are usually highly illiquid, and thus exit options are limited for the investors. They have to wait sometimes for several years to get returns.
  • Fraud Risk
    The crowdfunding sector can be subject to fraud cases. As an investor, you should create due diligence, and the platforms put to check the companies’ information so that fraudulent activities can be avoided.

IGF’s Role in Supporting Startups

At IGF, we are dedicated to helping businesses bring their ideas to life. We assist startups and investors in various ways to efficiently raise the capital needed. Our platform democratizes the investment process, providing startups with access to a broader pool of investors, and fostering innovation and growth.


Equity crowdfunding is revolutionizing startup fundraising by providing access to a larger pool of investors, leveraging collective support, and democratizing the investment process. It offers a more efficient and cost-effective way to raise capital. At IGF, we are proud to support startups in achieving their financial goals and turning their visions into reality. Learn more about how IGF can support your startup’s fundraising efforts at IGF.